Ultrasound Scanning of Volunteer Subjects Policy

Students gain invaluable experience scanning volunteer subjects, both student and non-student, as part of their educational program in sonography at Bryan College of Health Sciences.  The purpose of this policy is to ensure voluntary and prudent use of students or other human subjects for non-clinical ultrasound scanning for educational purposes.   

Students in any sonography program at the College will be expected to spend time in skills lab scanning human subjects solely for educational purposes during scheduled skills labs, as well as outside of scheduled skills lab hours. Students may scan each other as appropriate. This is very valuable and students are encouraged to serve as subjects for their classmates.  Students serving as scanning volunteers are afforded the same rights and safeguards as a non-student volunteer subject as described below. However, students have the right to elect not to be scanned without any impact to their grade in the course or progression in the program. If a student elects not to be scanned,  they are responsible for providing a volunteer to be scanned for each scheduled lab.  Volunteer subjects outside of the program are also used to provide students with scanning experience. All  volunteers must sign a consent form prior to being scanned by the student. The consent form must give a brief explanation of the procedure to be performed and any possible risks. The volunteer may change their mind about this consent at any time before or during the procedure simply by informing the student performing the procedure.  A volunteer cannot be scanned during evening or weekend hours if they have not been previously scanned before.

Obstetrical Volunteer Subjects 
In order to be eligible to volunteer for an obstetrical ultrasound procedure for student educational purposes the volunteer must be beyond the first trimester of the pregnancy and have undergone an anatomical survey obstetrical ultrasound during this pregnancy. In addition, the volunteer must inform her primary obstetrical care provider of her intention to participate in the student educational procedure.

Transvaginal Ultrasound Volunteer Subjects 
Female students may be asked to volunteer as a subject for a transvaginal ultrasound procedure to be performed by a classmate, or peer students, enrolled in the Bryan College of Health Sciences, School of Health Professions under the direct supervision of an instructor in the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program. 

The ultrasound procedure will require the student to lie on a table and have a hand held ultrasound transducer inserted into the vagina. The student may change her mind about consenting to the procedure at any time and the procedure will be cancelled or stopped. The procedure is solely for educational purposes. 

Students will not be required, nor will they be coerced to volunteer. Students who wish not to volunteer will not be retaliated against in any way or held in ill-will. Participation is completely voluntary on the student’s part. 

Required Forms
Parental permission is required for any subject under the age of 19.  Each volunteer must fill out and sign the following forms before each scan:

  • Consent form: The consent form for all volunteers must make clear that the scanning is being done for educational purposes only and there are no guarantees or assurances concerning the accuracy or results of the procedures and no diagnosis will be made. The consent form must include a release of responsibility statement releasing the student, Bryan Medical Center and the College and the staffs thereof from any liability or responsibility associated with or related to the performance or outcomes of the procedure.  
  • Permission to Release Information Form

Scan Results
No results of the procedure will be given to the volunteer. In the event that the procedure being performed suggests certain findings that may be of clinical importance, the course instructor will review the findings, and if, in the opinion of the instructor, such a situation may exist, the volunteer will be informed via the procedure in the Incidental Findings Policy and encouraged to discuss it with a physician of his/her choice.  

No record or results of the procedure will become a part of any medical record and will not include the name or any other information that may identify the subject. 

Incidental Finding Policy:
An incidental finding is the identification of a sonographic finding or medical condition that was previously unknown to the volunteer.  Incidental findings can range from normal variations or other minor findings to clinically significant or life-threatening pathologies. The Incidental Finding chart should be used to identify the next steps in the event of an incidental finding.