Student Diagnostic and Standardized Testing

Diagnostic and Achievement Tests
Diagnostic and Achievement tests are administered according to a predetermined schedule to provide faculty and students with evaluation feedback for diagnostic purposes. 

Students failing to take the ATI test as scheduled will be assessed a make-up fee.  If there is a conflict with the scheduled time, students must seek faculty approval prior to the scheduled ATI exam.

General Education Placement Examinations

Mathematics Placement
Mathematics course placement will be based upon a grade of C or higher in a prerequisite math course taken within the past 5 years, current ACT (2 years or less) math sub-score, or math placement exam score, whichever is higher.  For students who entered prior to Fall 2019, mathematics course placement will be based upon a grade of C+ or higher in a prerequisite math course taken within the past 5 years, current ACT (2 years or less) math sub-score, or math placement exam score, whichever is higher.  Students may attempt the mathematics placement exam a total of three times with a minimum of three weeks between attempts, unless prior approval has been granted by the General Education Curriculum Subcommittee. Degree completion programs, due to the nature of their purpose and the unique experience of their students, may have alternate methods of math placement. Students must be aware of the math course and placement requirements of individual programs and should consult with their advisor regarding math placement.

Spanish Placement
The computer assisted placement examination (CAPE) may be taken by students who have completed one or more Spanish courses in high school or college, or have other prior second language environments.

General Education Assessments
Bryan College of Health Sciences students are required to complete testing as part of the College’s overall assessment of student learning. Students will receive notice of the testing requirement upon entry into their program of study and/or as part of a course requirement. Students will also receive communication indicating the test date/time and room number. Students do have the option of making alternate arrangements if the designated test date/time does not work for their schedules. Petitions to complete the test on a different date must be received and approved by course faculty and/or the Dean of General Education prior to the designated testing date. All testing must be completed within the overall testing period for a given test.

The following general education assessments are utilized:

  • American Chemical Society (ACS) exam. Administered during General Chemistry II (CHEM120).
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology Comprehensive Exam (HAPS). Administered during Anatomy & Physiology II (BIOS204)
  • Health Sciences Reasoning Test (HSRT). Administered during students’ programs of study. Students will receive communication informing them of the exam information.
  • Math Assessment. Administered during the highest-level required math course or during a student’s programs of study.

Students who do not make alternate arrangements in advance and who miss their designated testing date will be fined $100.00 and will be required to take a make-up examination. Decisions regarding the fine, make-up testing date, grading, and progression will be made by the course faculty member and/or the Dean of General Education.

Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)
The IDI is administered to all students in the first and final semesters of their program to measure intercultural competence. Upon completion of the initial inventory taken, students will be scheduled for a debriefing with a Qualified Administrator (QA). Failure to complete the IDI and debriefing will result in a registration hold for the next semester. Graduating seniors must complete the IDI by the final day of classes in the semester of graduation. Failure to complete the exit IDI will result in a graduation hold as determined by the Registrar and Dean of the program. Students may request a debriefing of the exit IDI in order to review these results.

Baccalaureate Nursing Program Examinations Utilized:
ATI prepares students to pass NCLEX, which all nursing students must take upon graduation to be licensed as a registered nurse. Because of this, ATI proctored assessments are required, as designated, at various points throughout the curriculum. Specific information related to ATI will be given and available to students at the beginning of the nursing program.

Students will receive points toward their final course grade for ATI practice and proctored assessments. Distribution of points can be found within the syllabi for courses administering the proctored assessments.

Students who do not receive at least a Level II on any ATI proctored assessments will be required to complete ATI progression activities, which includes remediation and a second proctored assessment, before the start of the next semester. Progression activity dates will be published in syllabi for courses that administer ATI proctored assessments. Failure to take assessments and / or complete the progression activities may impact students’ progression in the nursing program.

Students unable to take scheduled ATI proctored assessments will be issued a rescheduling fee for an alternate testing time. Students who no show / no call for scheduled ATI proctored assessments will be charged a fee and rescheduled for an alternate testing time. This includes proctored assessments administered during the semester and ATI progression activities.

If a student is repeating a course, they will retake the ATI practice and proctored assessments, regardless of previous score. If a student has already taken a proctored assessment achieving at least a level II and is not repeating a course, student may petition the Nursing Assessment Sub-Committee to opt out of taking the proctored assessment.