Clinical Evaluation Policy - Nursing

Clinical evaluation is designed to assist students in meeting course outcomes and associated clinical behaviors by providing objective, constructive feedback regarding performance. Evaluation is based on individual progress made toward attainment of course outcomes and is provided written and verbally.

The role of the faculty in evaluation is to observe and measure student performance during clinical experiences, provide timely feedback about performance strengths and areas needing improvement and to document summary observations, conclusions and recommendations.

The role of the student in evaluation is to seek out the faculty to observe performance and to provide information regarding client care, to critically review own performance and incorporate faculty feedback into future clinical experiences.

The Clinical Evaluation Record documents faculty and student reflection on student progress toward attainment of course outcomes and associated behaviors. The faculty and the student will evaluate student performance at the end of each week of clinical experience, or at a frequency deemed appropriate by course faculty based on the nature of the clinical experiences. The method and format of documenting the student’s reflection on progress toward attainment of course outcomes is at the discretion of course faculty. The faculty will write a brief narrative in the Clinical Evaluation Record, providing an objective summary of the student’s strengths and areas for growth. Descriptions of deficits must be accompanied by the course outcome number and specific action steps to improve. In addition, the faculty will grade the student’s performance on the Clinical Evaluation Record as follows:

  • M = met expectations
  • U = unsatisfactory

Met expectations: Performance met expectations for the course outcome. Unsatisfactory: Performance did not meet expectation for the course outcome.

Written evaluations must be available for review by students prior to the next clinical experience and must be provided in a format in which the student has the ability to keep or retrieve a copy for future reference. Students are expected to review prior to their next clinical experience. If a difference of opinion exists between the faculty and student regarding performance, the student is expected to discuss the issue with the involved faculty in a timely manner.

To satisfactorily complete the course, the student must demonstrate an ability to consistently meet all course outcomes as well as demonstrate a pattern of growth and progression. Based on the nature of the clinical, faculty within a course may determine that some clinical experiences carry more weight in determination of the pattern of growth and progression than others as noted in syllabus. A pattern of unsatisfactory performance may result in a warning status. Failure to demonstrate growth and consistent satisfactory performance will result in unsatisfactory course outcome evaluation and failure of the course.

Evaluation is an ongoing process with the final decision being made at the completion of the course or upon completion of blocked clinical; see course syllabus guidelines. At the end of the course, course faculty will evaluate each student based on attainment of course outcomes and associated behaviors.

The faculty of the College have the responsibility and the authority to establish and maintain standards of ethical, personal, and professional conduct for students in the College.  Unsafe clinical practice is behavior that places the client or staff in either physical or emotional jeopardy. Physical jeopardy is the risk of causing harm. Emotional jeopardy means that the student creates an environment of anxiety or distress which places the client at risk. Unsafe clinical practice is an occurrence or pattern of behavior involving unacceptable risk. (Scanlan, Care, & Gessler, 2001, pg. 25)

If at any time during the educational experience, the faculty‘s professional judgment is that the student is not providing safe, competent, and ethical care, or not acting in a professional manner, the faculty member has the responsibility to remove the student from the setting and document the incident. Based on the incident, disciplinary action up to and including failure of the course and dismissal from the College may result.