Clinical Evaluation Policies

The Clinical Evaluation System is designed to assist the student in meeting standards necessary to provide quality care. Evaluation is based on individual progress made toward attainment of course objectives. Evaluation is an ongoing process with the final decision being made at the completion of the course. The role of the instructor/preceptor in evaluation is to observe and measure the student’s performance in the clinical setting.

The Performance Evaluation is a record indicating the instructor’s or preceptor’s judgment of student performances in the clinical setting. The form indicates the skills which must be consistently demonstrated to attain course objectives.

The instructor/preceptor will evaluate student performance on a regular basis. The instructor/preceptor indicates on the Performance Evaluation the student’s performance of the skills  as follows:

  • Met Expectations
  • Needs Additional Practice
  • Met Expectations: Performance consistently met expectations for the course skills. Actions contributed positively to learning of self or others and/or patient well-being.
  • Needs Additional Practice:  Performance of skills required to meet course objectives has not been met and improvement is necessary.

Written feedback for meeting expectations (M) is not required, but is useful and highly encouraged. By evaluating performance, the student and the instructor are able to see patterns of skill performance and provide a means of feedback.

The student is responsible for reviewing submitted Performance Evaluations on a regular basis. Students are encouraged to provide a written response to feedback on the student comment portion of the evaluation tool. When a difference of opinion exists between faculty/clinical preceptor and student regarding performance, a conference should be held and a summary written. Either the student or instructor may initiate the conference.

To satisfactorily complete the course, the student must demonstrate an ability to consistently perform the clinical skills. A pattern of performance indicating “Needs Additional Practice” may result in the student being placed on course warning and/or course failure. Failure to demonstrate consistent satisfactory performance will result in a course grade of unsatisfactory and failure of the course.

At the end of the course, the instructor will evaluate each student based on attainment of established course objectives and requirements. A final grade of satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U) will be recorded on the evaluation form and on the College transcript.

The faculty of the sonography program have the responsibility and the authority to establish and maintain standards of ethical, personal, and professional conduct for students in the College. If at any time during the educational experience, the faculty’s professional judgment is that the student is not providing safe, competent, and ethical care, or acting in a professional manner, the faculty member has the responsibility to remove the student from the setting and document the incident. If the student does not utilize appropriate knowledge and judgment, the faculty is responsible to submit a recommendation to the school specific Admission, Promotion and Graduation Committee for review and appropriate action.