Bachelor of Science in Nursing Philosophy

The faculty of Bryan College of Health Sciences, School of Nursing, believes that:  


Nursing is an art and science, the embodiment of caring for individuals, families, and communities. It consists of a  unique, integrated body of knowledge and requires critical thinking, information management, and problem solving skills. Nurses provide comprehensive, individualized care to promote optimal health, based on best current evidence.  Nurses are leaders and collaborative members of the healthcare team who advocate for processes and systems to support safe, quality care. Nursing requires commitment and responsibility to the profession, society, and the global community.  

Human Beings 

Humans are unique and multidimensional beings with inherent worth and dignity. The interaction between humans and the environment is dynamic. Human beings have the capacity to care, to learn, and to change. They are autonomous and therefore are responsible for their own behaviors.  


Health is a dynamic state of holistic well-being, influenced by biological, behavioral, and environmental factors and perceived through the context of the lived experience. The state of health is reflected through multiple dimensions.  Individuals, families, and communities have the right to define their own health. Their pursuit of health is a right and choice.  


Learning is a life-long, interactive process that builds on previous experience and results in change in attitudes, beliefs,  and/or behaviors. Learning occurs in a variety of environments and involves the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. Education is optimized through learner-centered approaches that recognize the learner as a full partner with unique values, preferences, and needs in the education process. 

Professional Nursing Education 

Professional nursing education is built on an integrated study of the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities in order to promote critical thinking, and evidence-based, person-centered care. General education is designed to develop a global citizen with an appreciation for the arts and sciences. Baccalaureate nursing education prepares a  nurse generalist through theoretical and clinical education in a variety of settings. This framework provides the foundation for graduate education and advanced practice.