Active Shooter – SAF229.00 - Hastings

To Implement – The Active Shooter protocol will be implemented when a person or persons enter our building or grounds armed with a firearm with the intent to do harm or threatening to do harm to those present or is actively shooting.

  • If an armed intruder enters our building the first response will be to protect as many of our patients, visitors and staff as possible. At the same time we will summon help from internal and external resources.
  • Your personal response may need to be made in a hurry. Difficult decisions will need to be acted on quickly. Make the best response decisions you can and try to limit the harm inflected on yourself and those around you.

Notification by observing person/employee

  • Make the best decision you can as to order of notifications
  • Call the hospital code phone at 5277 (if in a hospital building) Or, 402-984-4950 (If outside the hospital building). Inform  the operator of the Active Shooter.
  • Call 911 and inform the operator of the Active Shooter.  
  • Notify an Administrator, Supervisor, or Faculty member, if possible
  • Provide this information:
    • The 911 Call say: “This is Mary Lanning (give location, plus area) we have an armed intruder in the building, gunshots (not) fired.”
    • The 5277 Call say: ”We have an Active Shooter in the building (provide area), gunshots (not) fired.”
    • If possible provide a description of the person(s) and their location


  • The Switchboard Operator will announce three times: “Active Shooter”  
    • If you have a panic button in your area this would be a suggested time to activate it.

For those not involved in the initial or direct response:

    1. Think about where you are in regards to where the active shooter(s) is/are present.
  2. RUN
    1. If you are not in the area where the active shooter(s) is/are and you are not involved in patient care, leave your belongings and area by finding the nearest exit and get a safe distance away from the MLH facility you are located at.
      • Bring others that are able, visitors, and colleagues if you can.
      • Do not stop to wait or allow your escape to be hindered by anyone. The shooter(s) are looking for easy targets in large groups
  3. HIDE
    1. Find a safe location, lock the door, and place heavy objects against the door to impede progress.
    2. Turn off lights and silence your cell phones to give the appearance of being in an unoccupied area.
    3. Hide behind turned tables, desks, bookshelves, or anything else that might offer shelter.
      • If you are with a patient and they can get out of their bed please move them to a chair, place the bed behind the door and apply the brake.
      • If you work in a clinic, use any furniture that locks or is heavy enough to block the door.
      • Turn off the lights and any other electronic devices that make noise.
      • If you have a vocera on your person, remove the battery so as not to take the chance of messages coming through.
    1. Find some type of improvised weapon like a fire extinguisher, a chair, or other heavy and possibly sharp objects.
    2. Form a group and a plan. Commit to your actions and move those that are unable to the back or behind objects.
    3. Act aggressively towards your attacker(s) and do your best to incapacitate them.
    4. Once you have them down remove the weapon from their hands and leave the area.
    5. Report to the first security officer or law enforcement person you find when leaving the area.
  5. When law enforcement arrives they will assume command of the situation.
    1. The facility will provide assistance as needed, which may include providing access badges or keys, floor plans of the area, and any live feed cameras that the facility can provide.
    2. Law enforcement responding to an active shooter are trained to proceed immediately to the area in which shots were last heard in order to stop the shooting as quickly as possible.
    3. The first responding officers may be in teams; they may be dressed in normal patrol uniforms, or they may be wearing external ballistic vests and Kevlar helmets or other tactical gear. The officers may be armed with rifles, shotguns, and handguns.
  6. Tips to remember when law enforcement arrives at your location:
    1. Remain calm and follow their instructions.
    2. Put down any items in your hands.
    3. Immediately raise hands and spread fingers.
      1. Law enforcement is taught that hands use weapons therefore hands can kill.
    4.  Avoid making quick or sudden movements toward officers such as attempting to grab or hold onto them for safety.
    5. Do not stop to provide first aid to the injured. Proceed to the nearest exit.
    6. Avoid pointing, screaming, or yelling.
    7. Do not stop to ask them for help or directions when evacuating, simply listen to their commands and move as instructed.
  7. Hospital Incident Command will establish a Unified Command with Law Enforcement and the Fire Department.
    1. Location will be determined after consultation with law enforcement.
    2. Law enforcement will be determined when an active shooter situation is clear.
    3. Recovery will be directed by Hospital Incident Command.
    4. Hospital Incident Command will work with law enforcement regarding continuity of operations as the location(s) of the incident are considered a crime scene and may not be available for patient care or staff access.
    5. Hospital Incident Command will work with law enforcement regarding staff and visitor retrieval of personal items.
  8. For Staff, Faculty, & Students - once you have given the all clear by law enforcement:
    1. Search your area for hiding or injured persons.
    2. Report to direct supervisor or staff member.