Academic Recovery Policy and Procedure


It is critical for students to address unsatisfactory academic performance as quickly as possible. While it is preferable for students to take the initiative to seek out support of their own volition, when a student’s performance impacts their timely degree progression, the Academic Support Services team will initiate, and may require, a conversation with the student about support available.

Criteria for Application of Status

Academic Support Services recognizes two tiers of intervention: Academic Recovery, and Academic Assistance.

Academic Recovery is applied to students who earned a non-passing grade in one or more courses, or who withdrew from a course in their major, during the previous semester. A student on Academic Recovery is required to meet with a member of the Academic Support Services team during the first month of the semester to discuss a plan for success. If the student does not arrange and attend the required meeting, a registration hold will be placed on their account until the meeting occurs.

Academic Assistance is applied to students who were placed on Midterm Course Warning in one or more courses during the previous semester, but who successfully completed all their courses and progressed as planned. It is highly recommended, but not required, that a student on Academic Assistance meet with a member of the Academic Support Services team during the first month of the semester to discuss a plan for continued success.

In circumstances where student performance would result in both Academic Recovery and Academic Assistance being applied for different courses, the student will be placed on Academic Recovery.

Communication of Status

When a student is placed on Academic Recovery or Academic Assistance, this fact, along with the requirements (if any) to get the status removed, will be communicated to the student via their student email at the start of the semester. The student’s advisor will also be notified via email. Any student whose meeting requirements for Academic Recovery status have not been met by week 8 of the semester will receive a reminder email, on which their academic advisor will be copied.

Removal of Status

Once applied, Academic Assistance status will automatically be removed at the end of the semester, as long as the student’s performance does not trigger new applications of the Academic Assistance status. For courses in the student’s major or prerequisites for these courses, Academic Recovery status will be removed after the student successfully completes the course(s) for which the status was initially assigned. For general education courses that are not prerequisites for courses in the student’s major, or for students changing majors, Academic Recovery status will be removed after successful completion of a semester in which the student was enrolled for at least three credits.

In order to continue timely degree progression, it is critical for students to address unsatisfactory academic performance as quickly as possible. Students who did not pass one or more courses in a given term will be placed on Academic Recovery and will be notified via Academic Support Services. Academic Recovery also applies to students who are retaking a previously withdrawn course. In the immediate next spring or fall term after being placed on Academic Recovery, a recovery hold will be placed on the student’s account and must be cleared prior to registration for the subsequent semester. Students must complete the following Academic Recovery Process to have the recovery hold lifted: